Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maiden and Mother

She sits by the fire and extends them over the fire for its warmth. He hands have felt cold lately. She pauses to look at them in the fire light. They remind her of her mothers hands,strong yet gentle. She sees the wear of the years as she turns them from front to back.The lines are deep into her skin, with her finger she traces the lines on her right hand. Each line contains an experience that she remembers on this night.She has come tonight to this clearing to reflect on her life. The joy, the pain, the gains, the loses,the changes and the impact they have played on her life.When she was young an old women from her village looked at her hands and predicated that her life would be filled with much love and passion , yet she would also experience great pain and sorrow. She smiles at she remembers the women and the truth she had told her.How her life has taken many turns and paths.What remained was the truth that she carried in her heart.

As a child she would sit with her grandmother while she worked the herbs. She saw the skilled that was used to transform the herbs into potions that were used by the villagers. They came from all parts of the county to seek her grandmother, then her mothers skills. They practiced the ancient arts that had been passed from mother to daughter for many years. Their line is strong and held by women who can direct and change their surroundings. Many have come to these women for cures,curses and potions.They read the stones, directed the wind ,interpret the tides, rose the fire and brought rain. She would carry on these skills and knowledge and they would intertwine into her life.

On the first full moon as a Maiden she was brought to this very clearing.Surround by the majesty of the Oaks.The sounds of the woods were everywhere. The hoots of the owls, meows from the cat, call of the wolf and hoof sounds from the stag that watched from the edge.She first had been cleanses then dressed by the old women. Her mother would watch but not participate in the dressing. When the women had finished , her mother brought out a box that she had not seen before. Her mother would removed from the box a long silver chain with a large red stone that hung from the chain. She knew by the colour that this was a bloodstone. A very powerful stone was being given to her this day. They placed the chain and stone around her neck. She had been given the healing stone. One with intense power that would provide the wear protection and courage from all outside sources. Lavender flowers were placed in her long red hair and the oil was rubbed on her chest, neck and arms.It was time for her dedication to the Goddess and the women had gathered as witness and protectors for her.

The moon was full. The fire was hot and rose from the cauldron. There was a gentle breeze and it has started to rain, just a slight amount. The elements had presented themselves this night. She stood surrounded by a circle of women all dressed in dark cloaks. Her grandmother had entered the circle and removed her cloak. She stood before the Goddess in her shift that was wet with rain. She felt the wet earth beneath her feet.She removed her shift and stood naked before the Goddess. She raised her arms towards the moon and with a full heart made her dedication to the Goddess. The women who had gathered joined hands as the power of the Goddess entered the circle and one of these women. They had been joined by the power and love of the Goddess

Her mother brought a clean dry shift for her to wear and assisted her with the ties in the back.A weaved garter was placed around her waist and from that hung a satin bag filled with herbs. She could smell mandrake, orris root, mint and marigold. She had seen her mother wear the same garter many years ago and the smells triggered a memory.There were many times that certain smells would trigger a memory. At times she would have visions while she watched the fire or gazed into water. Her grandmother and aunts would whisper that she had the gift. She was destined to serve the Goddess and now on this Full Moon she would be claimed by the Goddess. She would spend the rest of her life in service of the Goddess and the ancient ways. There was never a time in her youth that she did not know that she was destined to do the work her family had done for years. She moved slowly around the group and each women took her hand and bowed their head to her. She now belonged to the Goddess.

Many years would pass before she was brought to this clearing again.Her knowledge had grown and she could call the elements on her own. A proud moment for her mother. Her grandmother had been called to the Goddess and her mother had taken her place in the circle. The years were filled with joy and laughter. She watched her sisters and brothers grow. Spent time in the woods with the animals. She had found that she can call the owl, the cat is at her side and she can see the stag watch her. They were there when she was dedicated to the Goddess and they remain with her. What she had been noticing is a yearning that stirs inside her soul.

Beltane had been approaching when her mother called to her while she was in the garden to come into the house. She wanted to speak to her. They often sat and talked while doing work and preparing herbs and potions,but this seem different, there seem a sense of excitement.Her aunts were present when she entered her home. There was also several old women that she has seen at ritual times only sitting in the back ground.The atmosphere had a electric feel in the air. She knew that this was not just a common conversation.They discussed that this was the time that she would join with a man. It was the plan of the Goddess that she joins and continues her line.She had dream of the time this would come for her. She watched other girls find love and join with the man of their choice. Her case was different the man had been chosen for her. She had no choice in the selection. What she was told that he came from an old line that have served the Goddess.Their family had produced many daughters who have started more lines that followed the Goddess.They had practice the ancient ways as far back as her family.The combining would produce the most powerful line in the country. But would she love this man, that was not an issue. This was her duty and she would do what was expected of her.

The time had approached for Beltane and she had been prepared by the women for this night. These were the same women who prepared for her dedication. Covered in her cloak she climbed the trail to the mountain top. She stood there under the Full Moon and gazed over the loch. The beauty of the night was overwhelming. A clear sky, the earth dry beneath her. A fire had been prepared for them on this site. she could hear her owl and the cat purred by her feet. The stag stepped out from behinds the Oaks. As she faced the loch she could feel a presence come up behind her. She felt arms on her shoulder, very strong and firm hands. He turned her around and they faced each other.She looked into these deep blue eyes and felt an excitement in her thighs. He removed her cloak and it fell to the ground. She stood naked before him and he removed his shirt and pants. The both stood naked under the full moon. She was not shy before this man. It was comfortable for her, she felt as if she and known him before.They had found each other. They would join this night and remain with each other.