Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who Is In the Mirror

Who Is In the Mirror

I stand before the mirror this night. Drawn there as never before
I can see the full moons light reflection from the window.
The room is filled with the light of moon and I feel her power.
I can feel that I am not alone, but there is no fear.
The music flows from the other room and fills mine
I hear the pipes and the call of the Celtics.
I turn my face back to the mirror and I see them
I see the young, the mothers, the crones they stand around me.
There smiles are warm and gentle
They place their hands on my shoulder and back
I feel their energy
I feel their love
I feel their sadness
I feel their compassion
I feel their power
I can see what thy have come to show me.
I can see their struggles
I can see their survival
I can see their lives.
I can see what they bring
They are my Sisters and daughter of the Goddess.
They have brought the love of themselves to me.
They have brought the love of the Goddess.
They have brought the power of nature and the animals.
They hand me their mantle an urge me forward
"Be strong my Sister and all will be yours. We live inside you. You belong to us and the Goddess. Never fear for you are never alone. When you look to the sky,hear the rain,feel the breeze, touch the dirt or smell the fire we are here. That is who we are and who are. Remember my Sister you are one with us and we are one with you. Remember and never forget who you are."

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 11, 2010



He came into my life unexpected
He became my shadow and friend
He became my devoted companion
He was my love
He was my support
He showed what know one could , devotion
He was my familiar
He was always there.
He felt my pain and sorrow
He knew me and what I needed
He never left my side.
I was never alone for he was there.
I miss his wet nose
I miss his deep brown eyes
I miss him drooling on me.
I miss him at the side of my bed
I miss him at my door when I come home.
I miss not hearing his collar ring
I miss not feeling his head on my lap.
I know he is running free
I know he has no pain
I know the sun is on his back.
The wind in his hair
But what I miss is my Best Friend who never will be forgotten

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Love

I send to you tonite a deep love One that is eternal and constant.
Not one that is possive or confinding
One that is free and enduring
One that is know to us
One that allows growth and experience
One that will be ever present for you
When the darkness comes, my love will be your guide
My love will be your light and your way...

copyright 2010
JoAnne spiese
All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Maiden and Mother

She sits by the fire and extends them over the fire for its warmth. He hands have felt cold lately. She pauses to look at them in the fire light. They remind her of her mothers hands,strong yet gentle. She sees the wear of the years as she turns them from front to back.The lines are deep into her skin, with her finger she traces the lines on her right hand. Each line contains an experience that she remembers on this night.She has come tonight to this clearing to reflect on her life. The joy, the pain, the gains, the loses,the changes and the impact they have played on her life.When she was young an old women from her village looked at her hands and predicated that her life would be filled with much love and passion , yet she would also experience great pain and sorrow. She smiles at she remembers the women and the truth she had told her.How her life has taken many turns and paths.What remained was the truth that she carried in her heart.

As a child she would sit with her grandmother while she worked the herbs. She saw the skilled that was used to transform the herbs into potions that were used by the villagers. They came from all parts of the county to seek her grandmother, then her mothers skills. They practiced the ancient arts that had been passed from mother to daughter for many years. Their line is strong and held by women who can direct and change their surroundings. Many have come to these women for cures,curses and potions.They read the stones, directed the wind ,interpret the tides, rose the fire and brought rain. She would carry on these skills and knowledge and they would intertwine into her life.

On the first full moon as a Maiden she was brought to this very clearing.Surround by the majesty of the Oaks.The sounds of the woods were everywhere. The hoots of the owls, meows from the cat, call of the wolf and hoof sounds from the stag that watched from the edge.She first had been cleanses then dressed by the old women. Her mother would watch but not participate in the dressing. When the women had finished , her mother brought out a box that she had not seen before. Her mother would removed from the box a long silver chain with a large red stone that hung from the chain. She knew by the colour that this was a bloodstone. A very powerful stone was being given to her this day. They placed the chain and stone around her neck. She had been given the healing stone. One with intense power that would provide the wear protection and courage from all outside sources. Lavender flowers were placed in her long red hair and the oil was rubbed on her chest, neck and arms.It was time for her dedication to the Goddess and the women had gathered as witness and protectors for her.

The moon was full. The fire was hot and rose from the cauldron. There was a gentle breeze and it has started to rain, just a slight amount. The elements had presented themselves this night. She stood surrounded by a circle of women all dressed in dark cloaks. Her grandmother had entered the circle and removed her cloak. She stood before the Goddess in her shift that was wet with rain. She felt the wet earth beneath her feet.She removed her shift and stood naked before the Goddess. She raised her arms towards the moon and with a full heart made her dedication to the Goddess. The women who had gathered joined hands as the power of the Goddess entered the circle and one of these women. They had been joined by the power and love of the Goddess

Her mother brought a clean dry shift for her to wear and assisted her with the ties in the back.A weaved garter was placed around her waist and from that hung a satin bag filled with herbs. She could smell mandrake, orris root, mint and marigold. She had seen her mother wear the same garter many years ago and the smells triggered a memory.There were many times that certain smells would trigger a memory. At times she would have visions while she watched the fire or gazed into water. Her grandmother and aunts would whisper that she had the gift. She was destined to serve the Goddess and now on this Full Moon she would be claimed by the Goddess. She would spend the rest of her life in service of the Goddess and the ancient ways. There was never a time in her youth that she did not know that she was destined to do the work her family had done for years. She moved slowly around the group and each women took her hand and bowed their head to her. She now belonged to the Goddess.

Many years would pass before she was brought to this clearing again.Her knowledge had grown and she could call the elements on her own. A proud moment for her mother. Her grandmother had been called to the Goddess and her mother had taken her place in the circle. The years were filled with joy and laughter. She watched her sisters and brothers grow. Spent time in the woods with the animals. She had found that she can call the owl, the cat is at her side and she can see the stag watch her. They were there when she was dedicated to the Goddess and they remain with her. What she had been noticing is a yearning that stirs inside her soul.

Beltane had been approaching when her mother called to her while she was in the garden to come into the house. She wanted to speak to her. They often sat and talked while doing work and preparing herbs and potions,but this seem different, there seem a sense of excitement.Her aunts were present when she entered her home. There was also several old women that she has seen at ritual times only sitting in the back ground.The atmosphere had a electric feel in the air. She knew that this was not just a common conversation.They discussed that this was the time that she would join with a man. It was the plan of the Goddess that she joins and continues her line.She had dream of the time this would come for her. She watched other girls find love and join with the man of their choice. Her case was different the man had been chosen for her. She had no choice in the selection. What she was told that he came from an old line that have served the Goddess.Their family had produced many daughters who have started more lines that followed the Goddess.They had practice the ancient ways as far back as her family.The combining would produce the most powerful line in the country. But would she love this man, that was not an issue. This was her duty and she would do what was expected of her.

The time had approached for Beltane and she had been prepared by the women for this night. These were the same women who prepared for her dedication. Covered in her cloak she climbed the trail to the mountain top. She stood there under the Full Moon and gazed over the loch. The beauty of the night was overwhelming. A clear sky, the earth dry beneath her. A fire had been prepared for them on this site. she could hear her owl and the cat purred by her feet. The stag stepped out from behinds the Oaks. As she faced the loch she could feel a presence come up behind her. She felt arms on her shoulder, very strong and firm hands. He turned her around and they faced each other.She looked into these deep blue eyes and felt an excitement in her thighs. He removed her cloak and it fell to the ground. She stood naked before him and he removed his shirt and pants. The both stood naked under the full moon. She was not shy before this man. It was comfortable for her, she felt as if she and known him before.They had found each other. They would join this night and remain with each other.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Full Moon

The Moon was full and our work was done.
The Moon was full and our prayers were sent.
We called the Wind to send our words.
We called the Rain to fall
We called the Fire to rise for us.
We felt the Earth as we stood before the Goddess.
We did the work that has been done those before us.
We did what we have done in the past.
For we know who we are.
We are the sons and daughters of the Goddess.
We serve her well.

Copyright JoAnne Spiese2010
All Rights Reseved

Friday, August 27, 2010

Death of a Crone

Death of a Crone

She sits near the fire on this night of a Full Moon. Her hair looks like silver as the moon beams play against the Loch. Her hands extend over the fire. The flames rise and fall as she slowly moves her hands from side to side. They are wore from all the years. They look like maps of her life set into her skin. For many years she has sat by this fire. Her devotion to the Goddess remains unchanged.

Her words call the winds to her this night. The gentle rain has been summoned. The cool earth is beneath her. She has called the elements and she is one with them. The breeze rustles her dress,the rain falls yet she remains still for she has called the Goddess. This night will be the final call for the Goddess.

The air is filled with the music of the pipes. She knows them well and feels their comfort. Stillness surrounds her this night. The stag stands near and becomes the watcher. The eagle perched on the tree becomes her protector. The black cat sits at her side as he has done these many years.

Her power will be released this night to be carried to the one who will take her place. It has been her will that this night she will be released from her earthly body to join her Sisters. Many have passed to the hands of the Goddess. She reflects on the years that she has served the Great Mother. She has known the love of a man. One whose hand she held through out her life. The one whose eyes she gazed into as his light left him. Her daughters grown and their knowledge intact. She has shared all that she knows with them and the power of the Goddess and the Elements. She has stood on this mountain and summoned the wind to do her work. She has summon the fire to cleanse her soul. She has summon the earth to grown its bounty. She has been summon the Goddess to join this man and become one with him and with the Goddess. This has been her past.

No fear comes to her this night. She knows that the circle will remain. There is a joy that comes to her with the knowledge that she will join those who she loves that are gone now. Their has been loneness in recent days that has reached her soul. Her time has come and she has been waiting for the Goddess to call her. She has heard the whisper of her Goddess and has come to her place of devotion.

She removes her cloak and lays it on the earth that she knows so well. She feels a tiredness that she has known for several years. The burden of who she is had weigh heavy on her soul. It is time for the her daughters to take her place. She has asked no one to join her this night. Only the one she serves will be with her.

She lies on her cloak. One that she has worn for the Goddess on many a night. The sweat sounds of the pipes remain. The wind swirls around her. The moon shines on her and her body glimmers as silver in the night. She hears the whisper that she knows. My daughter give me your hand and follow me. Close your eyes and become on with the wind. Let your power be released. Let your words fill the air. Let your soul join your Sisters. Leave this earth for now. You were mine from the day you came to this world to this night that you leave.

My daughter you are loved.

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Rights Reserved


For My Sisters and their families,

I raise my arms before the Full Moon and ask for the presence of the Goddess.

I feel her as she presents herself to me.

I bow my head as her daughter to the Mother of All.

She asks her child why I have called her this night.

I ask for the protection for those who go foreward with their lives for others.

I ask for those who step to the front for those who are unable.

I ask for those who live with pain and find no comfort.

I ask for the children alone and fearful.

I ask for the animals who shiver in the cold and fear.

I ask for the elderly whose days are filled with loniness.

I ask for those who fears make them unable to cry out for help.

I ask for those who voices are ignored.

I ask for the families who live with hunger

I ask for those who must give themselves to others to stay alive,

She touches my arm and whispers to me...they are all in my heart and protection is theirs.

You my daughter must stand with your Sisters and continue my work.

You my daughter with your Sisters must take them into your hearts.

You my daughter and your Sisters will be their voices.

Be heard my daughter for I stand with you and your Sisters.

Remember I am the Wind, the Fire, the Rain and the Earth.

When you call I will aways be there for you and your Sisters.

For you are all my children and covered in my love.

I take you in my arms and I know you well.

Go forth and bring my light to all...

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Right Reserved

Friday, August 6, 2010

Who we are

We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us.

We stand in the middle of our circle

We stand under the Moon's Full light

We stand next to our Sisters.

We stand before the Goddess

We stand and we are seen by all.

We stand and become one with each other

We join with the past, present and future.

For we are Witches and know who we are...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Web

You formed a web to capture me.

It glimmered in the moonlight.

The rain made it look like silver

You called me to the web.

You filled it with visions of love.

You made it strong to hold me with your words.

I came willingly as a butterfly to the spider

I came willingly due to words.

I came willingly to the sound of your voice, which was so sweet.

You captured me in your web of lies and deceit.

You thought that I would become your captive.

You thought you could play with me as the spider does to the butterfly.

You forgot that I am not alone.

You forgot that I am a daughter of the Goddess.

You forgot that I am a witch.

My Sisters came for me with silver scissors to cut me free from your web.

My Sisters came with fire from their cauldrons to burn this web of lies and betrayal.

My Sisters came with their love and light to destroy all that you have.

They came with the their Light and their Power.

They came and destroyed your web of darkness.

We are Witches and protect our own…

Copyright JoAnne Spiese
All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Good Night

The Moon is full.
The sky is clear.
The winds are calm.

I gathered my words.
I gathered my deeds.
I gathered my herbs

My fire rises under the cauldron.
My words have been written
My time is tonite.

I stand before the Goddess.
I stand before my Sister.
I stand naked under the moon

I add my words to the cauldron.
I add my herbs to the cauldron.
I add my power to the night

I feel the magick
I feel my power
I feel the Goddess

She stand with me
She Blesses me
She keeps me safe

There is magick in the air.
There is magick on the wind
There is magick from the earth.

It is a good nite for magick.
It is good nite for a spell
It is a good nite for a blessing

As a Witch I stand and release my work to the winds
As a Witch I stand and release my blessings to the winds
As a Witch I stand and release my power to the winds

I am done and the work is good...

You Promised

I hear your words late at night in the dark of my room

You promised me you would protect me from all
You promised me you always protect me and keep me safe
You promised me you would protect me from Summerland.

You promised you would care for me.
You promised you would love me.
You promised you would comfort me amd hold me in your arms.
You promised I could trust you

You would wipe my tears away
You would make me smile.
You would show me joy.
You would join me forever.

I gave you my love.
I gave you my joy.
I gave you my heart.
I gave you my soul.

You took my love
You took my joy
You took my heart.
You took my soul.
You took my trust.

I was alone.

Then the whispers came.
They came from the Goddess.
They came from my Sisters
They came on the Wind
They came from the Fire of my cauldron.
They came as the Rain fell.
They came as I stood naked on the Earth

They whisper to me.

My daughter you are loved.
My sister you are loved.
My daugter you are safe.
My sister you are safe.
My daughter I am here.
My sister we are here.

I walked from the dark and found the light.
I walked from the dark and found my Sisters
I walked from the dark and found a Mothers love.
I walked from the dark and found me...for I am Witch and that can not be taken from me now or ever.

My power is who I am ....

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Rights Reserved

I Am

I am more than anyone expects.

I am more than what the world sees

I am more than what I show you.

I am more than what I can be

I am more than a women.

I am a daughter of the Goddess and what I am is yet to be seen.

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All rights Reserved

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Love of the Goddess

Times in our Lives

There are times in our lives that we feel alone.
There are times in our lives when we stand alone.
There are times in our lives that we sleep alone.
There are times in our lives that we walk alone.

There are people that remain with us during these times.
There are people that remain with us when we feel alone.
There are people that remain with us when there is darkness.
There are people that remain with us when the cold encircles us.

We hear their voices on the wind.
We hear their voices on the waves that rise on the Loch.
We hear their voices as the music from the pipes flow to us.
We hear their voices as the power of the fire rises from the cauldron.
We hear their voices as we stand bared foot on the damp earth and feel the energy rise beneath us.

We close our eyes and feel them come to us.
We bow our head before them.
We feel them enter our souls.
We know the comfort and compassion that they give us.

With eyes open we turn and see that we are encircled by our Sisters.
With eyes open we turn and see the Witches of the past stand with our Sisters.
With eyes open we turn and see the animals as they stand with our Sisters and the Witches of the past.
With eyes open we turn and see the elements rise as they stand with our Sisters, the Witches from the past and the animals most loved.
With eyes open we see her...The Goddess with the moon rays that raise all our powers.She takes our hands and pulls us to her love.
With eyes open we see that we are loved and cared for by those who encircle us this night and all nights.

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010
All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I am Witch

I stand on the mountain top and see the heather below me sway in the wind.
The sun has set and the moon rises to its fullness.
I stand and feel the gentle fall of rain and see the waves on the Loch rise and fall. I find comfort in this action that is repeated.
I stand next to the cauldron and feel the heat from the fire.The flames grow strong and bright under the moon light.
I stand feet bared on the earth and feel the cold and damp of the leaves.The trees maintain their vigilance for my protection.

I have come this night to proclaim my dedication to the Goddess.For she is all to me as I am to her.
I have come this night as my Sisters have called to me to be there on this mountain under this moon.
I have come this night alone yet there are many with me.For I am never alone.Not this night or any other night.
I have come this night to bare my soul to the Goddess and join her as her daughter.

I turn North and summon the Witches that have gone before me.
I turn East and summon the Withes that are here now.
I turn South and summon the Witches that will come after me.
I turn West and summon the Witches unknown to themselves.

I raise my hands and receive the Goddess.
I raise my head and receive her light.
I raise my heart and am filled with her Love.
I raise my soul and find her compassion.

For on this night as her daughter ,I have become a Witch.
I am the past , the present and the future.
I am love, joy compassion and light.
I am all that I should be.
I am all that I shall be.
I am all that I could be.
For I am Witch ...

Copyright JoAnne Spiese

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Joining of Witches

We stand in a clearing in the forest surrounded by the majesty of the pines.
We can hear the whispers of our ancestors as the wind blows over the loch.
We here the pipes in the distance their song meant for us.
We have been called by the Goddess for this, nite our power to merge.
We stand before the Goddess, unashamed by our nakedness in the moon lite.

He calls for the elements to come forward.
He calls on these who have passed for their power.
He draws down the moon for us.

He takes my hand in his and I feel his power.
He takes my hand in his and I feel his desire.
He takes my hand in his and I feel his energy.

I stand quietly at his side and feel safe.
I stand quietly waiting for him and know what is expected.
I stand quietly ready for him and feel the urge in my body.
I stand quietly and am ready for him.

I can feel the wind as he removes my robe.
I can feel the dirt as I lie on the ground.
I can feel the rain as it gently falls on us.
I can feel the fire from him as he enters me.

We have merged out power.
We have connected our bodies.
We have combined our souls.
We have honored the Goddess.
We have known each other in the past.
We have known each other in the present.

What has been will be again
What has been, has been completed this nite.
What has been will always be, we are one.

He has given me his power in this most sacred act.
I have given him all that I am.
He has given me all that he has.
I have given him all my desire.
He has given me all he possesses.
I have given him my heart.
He has given me his soul which I will keep safe.

We are Witches and all belongs to us.

Copyright JoAnne Spiese 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Gathering

The gathering has been called by the Goddess
My brothers and sisters have gathered in the clearing.
We are unknown to each other except for this nite.
We hear the pipes in the distance.
We stand in the place of those before us.
We have prepared for this nite.
We are covered by protection and love of our Goddess.
We stand before her naked as she sees us.
The stag and the crow have come to join the gathering.
The elements are called:
We feel the wind
We feel the rain
We feel the earth beneath us
We feel the heat of the fire
We form the circle and the energy rises.
We are connected to each other in the way of the Witch.
Our Blessings have been sent and heard.
Our energy has risen from the earth to the wind and has been released.
We close our nite as the moon remains full.
We release hands but remain connected to travel thru our lives for we are Witches.

copyright , JoAnne Spiese 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To My Brother

I stand with my brother as we are called to the Goddess.
I feel his hand in mine as the Goddess shine her grace on us.
I can feel his heart as the Goddess takes us together in her love.
I can hear his thoughts as the Goddess guides us through the woods.
I know that his power comes from his mind and we find ourselves in the clearing of the woods.

He raise his words to the wind and they travel thru the air.
He raises his arms to the Goddess and her power travels to him.
He draws down the moon and we are covered in her light.
He takes my hand in his and his power travel to me,I feel it in my soul.

Our words are shared .
Our deeds are shared.
Our memories are shared.
Our thoughts are shared
Our power is shared.

We are Witches and we have become one through the Goddess and we share all that she has and all that she has given to us.

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Our Brothers

The duality of the world can be seen around us daily.In nature as much as in our lives. We need the combination of the Goddess and the God to complete the circle.

What I have noticed is that their are a lot of us that have forgotten to add the brothers to our circles. We need them to make the circle complete and I am one Witch that feels their absence makes the circle incomplete.

I welcome my brothers to my circle and now it is one with the Lord and Lady. We see that their energy added to ours makes the circle stronger and closer to nature. We have returned to what should be the female and male in unison

The Goddess and the God are one and also separate. As we with our male counter parts are one and then separated. We have joined in the circle and then separated we leave the circle yet their energy combined with ours grows and encircles us... Blessed Be

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Witching Hour

The Witching hour has begun as I am drawn into a small clearing in the forest.
I stand still before the Goddess, our Mother.
I can feel the stag's stare as he watches me from a distance.
I can feel the wind on my skin as it encircles me and runs through my hair.
I feel the wet dirt beneath my feet as I stand bare before the Goddess.
I can feel the moon as she reaches my soul with her rays.
I smell the heather and it triggers past memories.
I smell the smoke from the burning fires.
I hear the cries of my ancestors.
I hear there pleas for mercy.
I feel their tears as they run down my face.
I feel the burning on my skin.
I feel their pain and mine , past and present.
My heart beats rapidly as their fear rises and engulfs me,yet there is a calm entering my heart.
I hear the whispers of my Sisters as they send their love.
I hear the Goddess as she speaks to me.
I feel the love of the Goddess as she takes me into her arms.
I am loved
I am comforted
I am safe
I am her daughter
I am a Witch

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sad Eyes

Have you ever looked into a Witches eyes ? What you will find is a sadness. There is sadness in our eyes for all that we have seen through our the centuries.The torture, the hangings, the burnings.

When we close our eyes we can still see what has gone before us and can feel for all those who have died for us.

We must never forget about those who have suffered so much and those who still suffer for what they practice.

We must not forget the way our earth cries in pain for what has been done to her.

We must not forget the animals that were a gift to us and who we have killed for their land and for profit.

We must protect those who have no voice.

That is why when you look into a Witches eyes you see sadness.

copyright, Joanne Spiese 2010

My Sisters

The evening has descended and all is still.
I can hear my heart beat as I wait for the moons fullness.
I can hear the wind as it travels to me.
I stand in the clearing waiting for what is to come.
I stand naked before the Goddess as she knows who I am.
I feel my Sisters as they come for me.
I feel their love as they encircle me.
I hear the thoughts of those who have gone before me.
I hear their Blessings as they are sent to me.
I know what has been asked of me.
I know what is expected of me.
I have become one with the past,the present and the future.
I am a daughter of the Goddess.
I am a Sister to those who stand with me
I am a Witch ,past, present and future.

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I can hear the pipes on the wind.
I can see the heather sway as it moves with the wind.
I can hear the call for the Witches.
As I stand near the forest edge I see the Witches gather.
I seen them form their circle in the clearing under the moons full lite.
Their hands raised to the Lady and the Lord.
I hear their chants as it flows to me on the breeze.
They have called the elements forward.
They have drawn the moon down
Their energy fills the circle and I can feel it in my soul.
The Goddess is present and has filled them and me with her grace.
She surges through my body and I become one with the Witches.
We fly to heights that have not been reached before.
Their energy becomes mine,their words are mine, their memories are mine,their presence is mine....A Witch I am.

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010


Feel me in your heart
Feel me in your soul
Feel my touch on your face

Hear my whisper.
Hear my thoughts.
Hear my words

As a daughter of the Goddess,

Know that I will always be with you.
Know that there is no distance for us.
Know that you are Loved

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yes My Little Sister I Am A Witch and so are you..

Several years ago my friend Sue ,told me her experience one Halloween night. She was taking her grand daughter around that night for trick and treats. Sue was dressed as a witch,which she is ... a young girl around 6 or 7 came over to her and wanted to ask her a question. Sue knelt down to her level and the young girl ask " are you a real witch, Sue replied yes and so are you my little sister". The young girl smile,nodded and walked away.Sue had given her a great gift, early recognition of who the young girl is... a witch.

I have had conversations with 2 very wise witches. My mentor and my guide. Both have spoken about the fact that witches are born and not made.That one witch can recognize another even if the other does not know she/he is a witch.I have done this once with a close friend. When we met I knew she was awitch as she knew there was something " different" about me.I a matter of 2 weeks from that meeting I disclosed what I am and also that she is one... a witch.

I agree with both of them.We are born and not made. My guide ( a very wise male witch ) encourages me constantly to listen to myself that the answers are there.What I find astounding about our relationship is that he does not give me an answer me makes me find it in myself. He has given me the freedom to be me...a witch.

What I have given myself is the courage with the grace and support of the Goddess to follow the path and become greater in myself. I have found myself and that has brought me great contentment.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surprise "He " is a Witch

I first would like to start this entry with an apology to all my male counterparts. I have been remiss to leave them out of Blessings and Prayers. They, my Brothers as so important to us.

I was recently reminded of this after meeting a gentleman who is a witch. Not a magician or sorcerer , but a witch.

I had forgotten the duality of what I practice. The God and Goddess, The Lady and The Lord, The Ying and Yang. I do hold my head in shame and ask them to forgive me.

This Witch has enlighten my understanding and practice in a short period of time. He has been open and sharing in his beliefs and practice. I thank him for that.

Our male counterpart is so important to our practice. They bring to us and me their history. Their experiences and their views.

The balance needs to be kept and I am glad he has joined me to bring that balance. I am sure we have met on the circle that is our life. The thoughts that we share in common has shown me that. I look foreword to more conversations and exchanges, so that I can gain with his assistance in my craft.

He is a true witch. One connected to the land, wind, fire , water and spirit. I thank him for that and again send a apology to all my male counterparts for " forgetting" how important they are to the balance of myself, my craft and the world.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Prayer for Healing

As I stand humbled before the Goddess, I marvel at the beauty of her creations. But all is not well.

As I stand humbled before the Goddess, I can hear the cries of the children as they are starved and beaten.Held prisoner by their circumstances.

As I stand humbled before the Goddess ,I can feel the pain and fear of the animals.Their cages man made.

As I stand humbled before my Goddess,I can sense the loneliness of the elderly who have no where to turn and do not find compassion.Their isolation has made them a prisoner of their fear.

As the day turns to night and the moon shines on me I send my prayer to the wind to be carried to all.

I ask my Goddess to protect and free those who are held against their will.
I ask my Goddess to lend comfort for all those in pain.
I ask my Goddess to fill the hearts of the sad with love.
I ask my Goddess to extend her knowledge to a world that lacks the desire to learn about they they do not know and fear
I ask my Goddess to wrap her arms that shine so brightly with love around those who are lonely.
I ask my Goddess to fill the bellies of all who are hungry.

I stand before the Great Mother of all of us and I thank her for the compassion and love that she has shown me. For the path that I follow I know she walks with me as do my Sisters and Brothers ,each in their own way. They bring to the world such compassion and concern that they make each day worth living. They have brought change to what they touch.They find in their hearts the drive to protect those who have no one to protect them. For the weak and the vulnerable.They have become the voices in the desert and they will not be silenced!
May 6, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Full Moon

As we make ready for the full moon you can feel the Goddess within you.
As you lite your candle you can feel her drawn to you.
The magick surrounds you and your work begins.
As you give your Blessing please pray for those whose voices are not heard.
For the birds in our skies.
For the fish in our seas.
For the animals that roam our forest,plains and deserts.
For the animals who live in terror and pain.
For our pets who love and devotion is never ending.
For the children who cry themselves to sleep
For the elderly who live in distress.
For those who hunger is not a stranger.
For those who live in fear.
For those who do not know comfort or love. Whose days are as dark as nite.
We as her children have a responsibility for the voices who are not heard.
We are their voices, will you raise yours loud and strong for those who have none.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Young Witches

It has been very interesting in meeting young witches.By young I mean they have not been in the craft for a long.What they concentrate and want to do is the magick.I have noticed they do not explore the true base of the craft.

For me magick is important but it is not the center of my practice.It enhances my practice.What is the most important is the why a interact with the world around me and I do man the world around me..

The plants and animals are as important to me as people.As I get older and grow in my practice I see that what is important does shift for me.My heart aches when I see what we have done to our surroundings.what we have done to our forests.What we have done to the animals around us.We are destroying so much and each time a portion of the world is destroyed we lose apart of ourselves.There is nothing that is more important than to save what we have for our future and those who will come after us. Every time there is an out cry we lose something dear and close to us.

The wolves are being slaughtered.Cats and dogs are skinned alive for their fur. Whales hunted for there oil. Bears tracked due to "over population". We hunt each other and kill due to differences.Babies cry in hunger and pain. The elderly live in fear.Where has the compassion gone.

I do know that it is there,but sometimes it seems so little compared to the damage being made.
each time we protect,protest and provide we make a change.

Being a witch to me is that.To protect, to protest and to provide.My practice comes from my core and extend out wards.I help younger witches see that our connection with the Goddess and Mother Earth is what being a witch means...

Saturday, April 3, 2010


There has been times in my present and past that I have wanted to forgive and to ask forgiveness for what I have said and heard....

Words are very powerful and they should not be used lightly.

Once the words are out you can not take them back.
Once they are said they whirl around in the heart and the mind to whom they were spoken to.
Once they are spoken they can return with pain attached to them.
Once they are loose they can cause pain and hurt.
Once they are spoken the person to hears them, will hear them as they hear them
Once they are spoken you can not say they were wrongly spoken.They have been let free...

I ask that the words I speak I will remember to be said with caution and compassion...because I have learn what is said can not be unsaid....I will remember what power words have especially when spoken in anger and hurt.This is a lesson I have learned and want to pass on.

copyright, JoAnne Spiese 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Son of A Witch

I am sure it is not easy for a child to have a mother that is "different".
My experience is that our children know more than we credit them with. when I finally sat down with Jason and explain what I was ,it was not a shock or disbelief .He sat there and said he knew.Of course he did.I had an alter in my room and books around and he is not stupid.
I left all the clues and he followed them.
His only concern was that I would find what I was looking for and that is what I found,I am a Witch and Jason is a son of a Witch. Our home is complete.
He may not share all my views.But he does respect them and listens to what I say and explain.I feel that he is very spiritual and this practice fits to his belief. But time will tell if he goes forth with this practice.
Right now he is my support and that means so very much...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Witch or Wicca

My niece recently asked me if Witch and Wicca were the same.This question has gone around and around in the community.I believe it is a very personal question in the sense that each person has their own idea of their pratice and who they are.

This is mine: I am a Witch.
I use portions of Wicca and other pagan thoughts that fit into my practice. What brought me to this practice( Witchcraft) is the immense freedom that I enjoy.

I do not have rules.
I do not have written scripts
I do not sit with book in hand and practice.

What I pratice is to follow what is in my nature.I come to Witchcraft with a long history of who I was and who I am.
Wicca to me is a set religion.With does and don'ts. Such as how ones alter should be set up.Mine is the way it feels to me.

The other larger portion is my great connection to nature and the land.I am most happy to be out doors in the weather of all types. Smelling the earth. Feeling the sun. Hearing the breeze.Listening to the birds and the animals. My closeness to the earth aligns with me being a Witch.
And a Witch is who I am. Now and forever.My memory carries this time and the time before.
I go back to the beginning and I was there !
My soul carries the blood of my Sisters and the innocent. I proudly proclaim my craft.
Witch I am and Witch I will be.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I have found a great connection to the world around me.As a witch my history goes back to the beginning when the women directed the tribe.

It was due to our knowledge of what was around us.What we used to cure the ill and to protect our people from what was around us.We saw the sky,the wind,the flames of the fire,the rain ,the changes of the earth and we understood.

As time went on we were pushed in the background due to the fear of the emerging hierarchy with in the tribe.

We have been in the background but have aways had the connection to the surroundings and the power.

What I have seen is that we as women and witches have reclaimed our power and brought forth our knowledge and connection.

When I stand and gaze at the moon in the dead of night I heard what is around me.

I hear the voice of the Goddess

I hear the voices of my Sisters

I hear the voice of my past

I hear the voice of the elements and I am one with all

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I would like to speak tonite about something that has been going on since April 7, 2009.

A young friend of mine was assaulted in a hospital while working.She went to the police, reported the assault and has been going to court since April 2009,

Today the judge found the man not guilty.I will not spend this time writing how are system makes victims of crime,victims time and time again.How the victim is on trial not the criminal. We all that and as women it is one of our fears when we report assaults against us.

What I do want to speak about is the absolute courage and conviction of this young women.she has had to stand before strangers and in great detail describe what happen to her.She has had her case delayed for almost 1 year,yet showed up every time as indicated. She has had the defence attorney attack her in preliminary court appearence and at trial.She remained stearn and steadfast in the details, regardless of what he tried.I have been amazed to watch her at this extremely painful time in her life.
The fear that crept up each time she went to court. She still went...

The case did not go as expected for her. She was hurt and disappointed that she could not find resolve in the court system.For me, I saw a young women gain her strength and power. Know one can take that from her. I applaud her for what she did and note the strength she carries within herself.

I also know that right now she would like to turn several people into frogs, but that is for another day...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Witch,Witch Your a Witch

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I heard the word ...Witch, Witch your a Witch

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I heard the cries of pain from my Sisters long past

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I hear the pleas from the innocent for mercy

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I see the flames as they engulf my Sisters

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I see the tree where their bodies sway in the wind

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the fear as they are locked in the dark

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I feel the pain that my Sisters experienced

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the chains on my hands and feet

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the cold on my skin as I wait for judgement

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel alone ,even though my Sisters are there

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep... the light comes through and I feel the embrace of the Goddess and I am safe...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Out of place

I have always felt out of place. Even as a child I knew I was different.I looked different from my family.We come from German and Italian decent and here I am red hair,green eyes and freckles.
Could I look any more Celtic ?

I would feel things before they happen.Dreams that were so real. Knowing who was at the door before the bell rang.Who was on the phone as the call came through.What TV shows would be shown....just alot of that.

The feeling that I had done this before was the strongest of all. I just keep quiet and to myself. For years I kept going to find my place especially in the religious community. I tried just about everything but nothing fit. I had come to the conclusion I just did not belong any where. I would sit in a church filled with people and be alone.

One day I was a Boarders Book store and picked up The Goddess Within, then came The Women's Spirituality Book. Read both and I was on my way. Not quite sure but I knew I was on to something and something very remarkable....self direction and self control.The church going stopped and the reading began.Slowly I found myself entering the great Sisterhood of the Goddess.I had not yet used the word Witch .

That would be awakening that was a change for ever. At that early point I had not given myself that freedom to use the word.To me the word Witch is very powerful and respectful for all those who died for that word and those who were wrongly accused and killed as they were proclaimed a Witch.

I am a Witch and one with great reverence for all those who have gone before me,who stand with me now and those who are coming...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

As time goes by....

Had an experience that has shown me that I will and need to practice alone. Have a friend that asked her circle to invite me to join. I meet with the women who runs the circle and it seem alright.I did have a feeling in my stomach and as it seems I should have listen.

Had the first ritual this pass holiday and some incredible things happen that I will explain in later writings.thought all went well with everyone also.I knew she had control issues but not to the extent that I experienced last Friday when she +"summon " me to her house to talk.

The long and the short of it she wants control over my daily life also...not going to happen in this or any other life time.She even went as far to say that when she calls I have 24 hours to return her call. Please...the only women that can expect that is my mom and she id that means know one has that power over me...

So that is off...I will continue to practice with me and who better to understand me than the Goddess and myself and the journey continues



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just me

I am not famous as Laurie Cabot or the many others in Wicca.What I am is one women who has found her way and is exploring it daily.

There are many rewards and concerns.Yesterday I was wearing my pentagram and a women asked what it was around my neck.I told her it was a pentagram and she asked if I worship the devil.when I went to answer she answered her phone and that was the end of the conversation.

As a Witch I know that this belief is common among those who are not aware.
How much time do you share with someone who already has a preconceived she is not the brightest bulb on the tree.

I will deal with it when it comes again..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Journey Begins....

It has been a struggle to make the decision to come out and let the people around me know who I am.

Yes...I am a practicing Witch. This will be a diary of my journey along the path. Thoughts,practice and the growth of one women to become who she was born to be.

It has been dark in that closet and so very alone. I am Blessed that I have found the courage to open the door and step into the day.

It has been stated , Once a Witch always a Witch....this is so.