Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Prayer for Healing

As I stand humbled before the Goddess, I marvel at the beauty of her creations. But all is not well.

As I stand humbled before the Goddess, I can hear the cries of the children as they are starved and beaten.Held prisoner by their circumstances.

As I stand humbled before the Goddess ,I can feel the pain and fear of the animals.Their cages man made.

As I stand humbled before my Goddess,I can sense the loneliness of the elderly who have no where to turn and do not find compassion.Their isolation has made them a prisoner of their fear.

As the day turns to night and the moon shines on me I send my prayer to the wind to be carried to all.

I ask my Goddess to protect and free those who are held against their will.
I ask my Goddess to lend comfort for all those in pain.
I ask my Goddess to fill the hearts of the sad with love.
I ask my Goddess to extend her knowledge to a world that lacks the desire to learn about they they do not know and fear
I ask my Goddess to wrap her arms that shine so brightly with love around those who are lonely.
I ask my Goddess to fill the bellies of all who are hungry.

I stand before the Great Mother of all of us and I thank her for the compassion and love that she has shown me. For the path that I follow I know she walks with me as do my Sisters and Brothers ,each in their own way. They bring to the world such compassion and concern that they make each day worth living. They have brought change to what they touch.They find in their hearts the drive to protect those who have no one to protect them. For the weak and the vulnerable.They have become the voices in the desert and they will not be silenced!
May 6, 2010

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