Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Witch or Wicca

My niece recently asked me if Witch and Wicca were the same.This question has gone around and around in the community.I believe it is a very personal question in the sense that each person has their own idea of their pratice and who they are.

This is mine: I am a Witch.
I use portions of Wicca and other pagan thoughts that fit into my practice. What brought me to this practice( Witchcraft) is the immense freedom that I enjoy.

I do not have rules.
I do not have written scripts
I do not sit with book in hand and practice.

What I pratice is to follow what is in my nature.I come to Witchcraft with a long history of who I was and who I am.
Wicca to me is a set religion.With does and don'ts. Such as how ones alter should be set up.Mine is the way it feels to me.

The other larger portion is my great connection to nature and the land.I am most happy to be out doors in the weather of all types. Smelling the earth. Feeling the sun. Hearing the breeze.Listening to the birds and the animals. My closeness to the earth aligns with me being a Witch.
And a Witch is who I am. Now and forever.My memory carries this time and the time before.
I go back to the beginning and I was there !
My soul carries the blood of my Sisters and the innocent. I proudly proclaim my craft.
Witch I am and Witch I will be.

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