Friday, February 26, 2010


I have found a great connection to the world around me.As a witch my history goes back to the beginning when the women directed the tribe.

It was due to our knowledge of what was around us.What we used to cure the ill and to protect our people from what was around us.We saw the sky,the wind,the flames of the fire,the rain ,the changes of the earth and we understood.

As time went on we were pushed in the background due to the fear of the emerging hierarchy with in the tribe.

We have been in the background but have aways had the connection to the surroundings and the power.

What I have seen is that we as women and witches have reclaimed our power and brought forth our knowledge and connection.

When I stand and gaze at the moon in the dead of night I heard what is around me.

I hear the voice of the Goddess

I hear the voices of my Sisters

I hear the voice of my past

I hear the voice of the elements and I am one with all

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