Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Web

You formed a web to capture me.

It glimmered in the moonlight.

The rain made it look like silver

You called me to the web.

You filled it with visions of love.

You made it strong to hold me with your words.

I came willingly as a butterfly to the spider

I came willingly due to words.

I came willingly to the sound of your voice, which was so sweet.

You captured me in your web of lies and deceit.

You thought that I would become your captive.

You thought you could play with me as the spider does to the butterfly.

You forgot that I am not alone.

You forgot that I am a daughter of the Goddess.

You forgot that I am a witch.

My Sisters came for me with silver scissors to cut me free from your web.

My Sisters came with fire from their cauldrons to burn this web of lies and betrayal.

My Sisters came with their love and light to destroy all that you have.

They came with the their Light and their Power.

They came and destroyed your web of darkness.

We are Witches and protect our own…

Copyright JoAnne Spiese
All Rights Reserved.

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