Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Witch,Witch Your a Witch

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I heard the word ...Witch, Witch your a Witch

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I heard the cries of pain from my Sisters long past

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I hear the pleas from the innocent for mercy

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I see the flames as they engulf my Sisters

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I see the tree where their bodies sway in the wind

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the fear as they are locked in the dark

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep ,I feel the pain that my Sisters experienced

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the chains on my hands and feet

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel the cold on my skin as I wait for judgement

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep, I feel alone ,even though my Sisters are there

In the dark of nite as I try to sleep... the light comes through and I feel the embrace of the Goddess and I am safe...


  1. please my fiends as you read please excuse some grammer mistakes.I am learning how to work with the computer...:)

  2. I totally understand about writing and then finding the grammar errors. Guilty as sin on that, I am. So, I've been attempting to write it in a say, Word document and do spell check. Of course, that doesn't help with the mix match of how sentences are structured. Guess I should have listened to the nuns in English classes after all. Here's a suggestion, read your article/blog aloud and/or step away from it for a while and then come back and read. All n' all, JoAnne, the bottom line is, it's your thoughts and feelings. Blessed be.
